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Galleries of sharks
Below are galleries of various species of sharks throughout the world. If you have pictures of sharks that fill any gaps we may have, please submit them for review.

For galleries of Shark Savers activities and those of other shark-related groups, please click on Galleries of Shark Savers to the left.

Mackerel Shark Gallery
Photos of Mackerel Sharks
Whaler Sharks gallery
Photos of Whaler or Requeim Sharks
Cat Shark and Smoothhound Shark Gallery
Photos of Cat Sharks and Smoothhound Sharks
Hammerhead Shark Gallery
Photos of Hammerhead Sharks, Order Orectolobiformes.
Dogfish Shark Gallery
Photos of members of Carpet Sharks, Order Orectolobiformes.
Carpet Sharks Gallery
Photos of members of Carpet Sharks, Order Orectolobiformes.
Maldives shark gallery
Photos of the beautiful sharks of the Maldives, by Guy Stevens.
Dangers to Whale Sharks
Photos documenting man-made injuries to Whale Sharks in the Maldives.
Jamie's Cocos Gallery
View images of sharks at Cocos, as well as evidence of relentless poaching in this marine reserve.
Mary O'Malley's Gallery
Images of various shark species by a shark diving enthusiast.
Polina Reznikov's Gallery
Pictures of Polina's adventures with sharks.
Shark Fin Gallery
These photos tell the story of the horrific practice of shark finning.

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