Restaurant campaign

Help remove shark fin soup from restaurant menus

Over the last 30 years, the number of people eating shark's fin has risen from a few million in the past decades to several hundred million today. Many of these fins are consumed in restaurants that serve shark fin soup at banquets, celebrations, and other special meals.

Managers of restaurants that serve shark fin soup may believe they are meeting the desires of their customers who want to follow tradition and honor their guests. They probably do not know that shark fin soup is unhealthy for their customers because the soup may contain dangerous toxins. They are probably not aware that consumption of shark fin soup is causing the eradication of sharks and imbalances to the ocean ecosystem.

You can respectfully help to educate them about shark fin soup and ask them not to serve it. Do not become discouraged if they do not agree immediately. But if you and others over time talk to the restaurant manager and give them the card that you can download here, they may eventually agree. You will have done your part in stopping shark fin soup.

Here is what you can do to help remove shark fin soup from restaurant menus:

  • Download and print our "Restaurant Card", requesting the restaurant not serve shark fin soup. You can also download and print our informative "Say 'No' to shark fin soup Brochure" to give to the restaurant owner or manager. These documents are available below.
  • Ask the restaurant to consider alternatives to shark fin that are less environmentally damaging.
  • See if you can enlist friends to a join you on these efforts. Ask them to do the same.
  • Visit the same restaurant again in a month or two for another try and continue to do this until the restaurant makes the honorable decision.
  • Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! JavaScript muss aktiviert werden, damit sie angezeigt werden kann. about the restaurants that have stopped serving shark fin soup.


"Say 'No' to shark fin soup" Brochure
Print as double-sided:
Restaurant Card Restuarant card rev - English.pdf
Have you taken the pledge?
End shark fin soup at weddings.
Tell your friends about the pledge.