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Photo Credit: Mary O'Malley


“I Pledge” Shark Fin Soup campaign launched in Hong Kong and Singapore. Shark Savers produced and launched I Pledge, an innovative media and grassroots campaign where former consumers of shark fin soup share their reasons with members of their community why they have stopped eating shark fin soup.

Shark retention ban enacted in The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). Shark Savers worked in partnership with the Pacific Shark Initiative to research and provide support for the passing of this important law in CNMI – the first of its kind for a United States territory. Sharks cannot be landed at any ports in CNMI, and it is now illegal to sell, trade or be in possession of shark’s fin.

Shark retention ban enacted in Guam. With our partners at the Pacific Shark Initiative, Shark Savers produced materials and informational pamphlets for the government of Guam to ban the possession, sale, and distribution of shark’s fin and manta and mobula parts, and to protect sharks in their waters. Guam unanimously passed the strictest protection for sharks available – banning the landing of sharks out to three miles from their coastline.

Marshall Islands Shark Sanctuary created. Shark Savers worked with the Pacific Shark Initiative to pressure the Marshall Islands government for a complete ban of commercial shark fishing. Shark fishing, as well as the sale and possession of any shark products, are now banned in all 768,547 square miles of the Marshall Island’s waters, making it the largest sharks sanctuary in the world.

Manta and Mobula Gill Raker trade exposed. Shark Savers exposed the growing trade in manta and mobula gill rakers with the production of the Manta Ray of Hope, a film showcasing the devastating impacts on these vulnerable animals.

First-ever report on the destruction of mobulids produced. Shark Savers produced the first comprehensive report on the destructive fishing and consumption of mobulids and their economic value to tourism with the publication of the Global Threat to Manta and Mobula Rays report and film.

Manta birostris given protection under the Convention on Migratory Species. Shark Savers helped pass the first international measure to protect manta rays at the meeting of the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS). We worked with members of our scientific advisory team to provide evidence to the Ecuadorian government and CMS delegates, including a condensed version of the Global Threat to Manta and Mobula Rays report, in support of Ecuador’s proposals to list Manta birostris on Appendices I and II of the CMS Convention.

Report on the economic value of manta rays to tourism produced. Shark Savers produced a report detailing the economic value of manta rays to tourism versus fisheries in Indonesia to provide a strong incentive for the Indonesian government to protect manta rays.

Ban the Fin Campaign launched to provide an umbrella for new efforts to ban the shark fin trade state by state, province by province. The campaign provides community support for educating the public about the issue and for initiating resolutions and bans. The launch of the campaign was bolstered by a partnership with Lush Cosmetics.

Shark Fin Trade banned in Oregon, Washington and California. Shark Savers worked within a strong coalition of organizations to pass laws to prohibit the possession and sale of shark fins in Oregon, Washington, and California, thus closing down the U.S. West Coast to shark fin transshipment and consumption.


Shark Fin Soup campaign launches billboards in China. Partnering with WildAid, Shark Savers enlisted the support of hundreds of supporters to ‘buy a billboard in China’, bringing the anti-shark fin soup message into the streets of Beijing, Shanghai, and Guaongzhou. Over a thousand billboards and in-venue PSAs were funded and displayed. Billboards began to be installed in January.

Shark Fin Trade banned in Hawaii. Shark Savers actively backed up the Hawaii legislative and lobbying team and drove international support for this landmark shark fin bill. We solicited testimony from conservation groups, celebrities and individuals, generated positive media attention and provided supporting documentation on the importance of protecting sharks from the shark fin trade.

Raja Ampat Shark Sanctuary created in Indonesia. Shark Savers co-led the initiative to create Indonesiaʼs largest shark and ray sanctuary in Raja Ampat, working with Misool Eco Resort. We authored the successful proposal to the Raja Ampat government, including well-referenced economic and scientific justification for protecting sharks and rays. Shark Savers generated vital support from the international dive community in the form of a petition and testimony from over 8,500 individuals, and the official endorsement from over 70 NGOs, dive and travel industry businesses, and government leaders from around the globe.


Palau Shark Sanctuary created. When Palau considered opening its waters to foreign fishing and relaxing its laws on shark finning, Shark Savers rallied conservationists and dive communities around the world to petition the government to reject the legislation. After more than four thousand signatures and the work of the Palau Shark Sanctuary NGO, who had been campaigning for a sanctuary since 2001, Palau not only withdrew the bill, but created a National Shark Sanctuary that would protect all sharks in Palau.

Shark Fin Soup campaign launched in China featuring Yao Ming. Shark Savers partnered with WildAid to launch a multi-media campaign to curb Shark Fin Soup consumption. The campaign launched in December including televised public service announcements (PSAs) featuring Yao Ming, an NBA player and one of China’s biggest and most influential stars. Shark Savers developed a multi-lingual website with downloadable grass-roots materials to help bring the message to families and communities.


Petitioned Alibaba to stop selling shark fins. Shark Savers' petition to stop sales of shark fins in this China-based web marketplace contributed to Alibaba’s agreeing to stop the sales in early 2009.

Petitioned against new shark fishing in the Great Barrier Reef of Australia. Shark Savers opposed new shark fishing proposals within this UNESCO World Heritage Area with a petition and letter dialogue that we were able to conduct with government ministers. Our effort was instrumental in calling international attention to the problems associated with the proposals and, in concert with related actions of other environmental groups, resulted in an easing of the new policy.

Developed critical partnerships with Sharkwater, helping premiere Sharkwater DVD in the US and co-promoting activities; with Wildaid to partner for a shark fin soup campaign; and with the Maldives Baa Atoll Project, a coalition of local NGOs and resorts that conduct urgent actions to save sharks in the Maldives.


Shark Savers becomes an incorporated charity. We achieved incorporation and 501c3 charity designation in the US in October 2007.

Launched website. Designed to be the platform for the most complete source of education, activities, and news regarding sharks and shark conservation, Shark Savers launched our first website in November 2007.