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What makes sharks different from other fish?
They don't have even one bone in their body, but they sense electricity, regrow teeth and even appear to smile. Learn more about the amazing biology of sharks!
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Tags: Biology
Sharks and rays' unique reproductive systems ensures that their young get the best chance at survival.
Tags: Biology,Reproduction
Sharks have swum in the oceans for almost 450 million years. But longevity is only part of the story.
Tags: History
Sharks have such keen senses that it was assumed they overcompensate for poor vision. But, their vision is anything but poor.
Tags: Biology,Myths
There's more differences between sharks and other fish than just their skeleton!
Evolution has turned sharks' teeth into perfect tools for catching their prey.
It's a myth that sharks don't get cancer. Like humans, sharks seem to contract tumors in response to environmental pollutants.
This clever shark has evolved a way of living in both salt and fresh water.
Tags: Ground Sharks,Biology
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