Meet Sam Harris, Shark Savers' Junior Ambassador

Posted on March 6, 2012
Written by: Sue Chen

Sue_and_Sam.jpgOne of my greatest joys and inspiration as a Shark Savers Director has been meeting Sam Harris.

It is truly rare when someone knows exactly what they want to do and their mission in life. It is a gift, when they know at 2 years old. Sam – now 7, knew that he loved sharks and was going to save them at age 2 – even before he could talk, it was clear to his parents that he loved sharks. Sam has wonderful parents who also love the ocean and they recognized and cultivated this gift in Sam.

I met Sam at the California shark fin Bill AB376 Rally last summer and my life was forever changed. I’ve never met anyone with such a passion for sharks – and I know a lot of them. Sam is on a mission, and so we decided to give a presentation not just for his class at school, but the entire 1st and 2nd grade (that’s 130 kids!).

We decided to give Sam a special designation at the end of our presentation as the first Shark Savers Junior Ambassador. We used segments of the Shark Savers' presentation about sharks and allowed Sam to teach me and all of this friends about sharks. HE WAS INCREDIBLE! So, I would like to formally introduce all of you to Sam and his, mom Lisa. She has really been cultivating his passion and is herself incredibly passionate and committed to all things beautiful in our ocean. Lisa volunteers and is an educator for Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and created The Whale Whisperers as a way to educate and inspire others. And now, they are working with Shark Savers to bring the message of shark conservation to their community. 



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