The start-gun goes off on 27 June, when Delian Gaskell and Denvy Lo will race across one of the world's most demanding environments: the Tirpan Basin, in China's Gobi Desert. If it wasn't hard enough that they have to cross 250km of desert on foot in six days, they also have to carry all their supplies, food and bedding, receiving only water and a tent to sleep in at night. The reason: to raise awareness that sharks the world over are threatened - a call to action to stop turning the oceans into water-filled wastelands.
The Gobi Desert March is one of four races from the 4 Deserts/Racing the Planet series, voted one of the world's top endurance competitions by Time magazine. Set at the most distant point from an ocean on the planet, the course is baked at temperatures of around 40°C (103.5°F). Called the Furnaces of China or just "the Oven", it's a hell of a place to race!
The team is fundraising for Shark Rescue and the UK-based Shark and Coral Conservation Trust (charity reg. # 1121609), and their donation page can be viewed
Act now to support our desert sharkies!