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Stop shark products
One of the ways we can stop sharks from being overfished is by reducing the demand for shark products. The most common way that sharks are being consumed is by shark fin soup--there is a separate article devoted to that problem. Sharks are also consumed in other restaurants, sometimes sold in fish stores or grocery stores, and also as ingredients in some cosmetics and food supplements.

The recommended approach varies according to the circumstance. For local restaurants, fish stores, and grocery stores, arm yourself with facts and one our handouts and go to these establishments and ask to discuss the matter with the manager. We find that treating them with respect works best as most people are unaware of the situation with sharks and are operating within their legal rights. Explain that sharks contain toxins at a high level, including mercury, how they are being overfished, and that their slow reproduction makes them even more vulnerable.

With cosmetic and supplement products that contain shark, there is both the local establishment to speak with, as well as the possibility of writing letters to the manufacturer. If you write to the manufacturer, you can use the following within your letter:


It has come to my attention that your .................. product contains shark as an ingredient. I urge you to consider alternatives to using any shark ingredient in your products. Sharks contain among the highest concentrations of mercury and other dangerous toxins. This is because sharks are at the top of the marine food chain and these toxins concentrate and accumulate as they move up the food chain. In addition, sharks are under intense fishing pressure worldwide, mostly because of high demand for their fins in Asia. Their slow reproductive rates results in an inability to repopulate as fast as they are being killed. Shark species througout the world are being decimated. While your product may not be the primary cause of the rapid elimination of sharks, it is adding to the overall, unsustainable demand for sharks. Please replace the shark ingredients with an alternative which is less toxic and has less of a damaging impact to the marine ecosystem.

If you find such products, send us the information using the form below and we will post that information, here. Please send include enough information, such as the web site URL, so that we may verify the information before posting it. In addition, if you learn of any of these product responding to our letters and ceasing to use shark ingredients, please let us know and we will post the names of these 'good' companies as a thank you.

If you would like to conduct research on our behalf to identifiy products and their manufacturers, that would be great!

Manufacturers of products containing shark
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