A total of 37 species of shark have been recorded from the Maldives. Only the whale shark is protected. Many of these are listed below. The sharks in bold are the species that are most heavily targeted by the fisheries.
English Name
Scientific Name
Maldivian Name
IUCN Red List Designation (2007)
Bluntnose sixgill shark
Hexanchus griseus
Madu mayaru
Lower Risk/Near Threatened
Taiwan gulper shark
Centrophorus niaukang
Kashi miyaru
Near Threatened
Leafscale gulper shark
Centrophorus squamosus
Kashi miyaru
Mosaic gulper shark
Centrophorus tessellatus
Kashi miyaru
Variegated shark
Stegostoma fasciatum
Hitha miyaru
Tawny nurse shark
Nebrius ferrugineus
Nidhan miyaru
Whale shark
Rhincodon typus
Smalltooth sand tiger
Odontaspis ferox
Daiy dhigu miyaru
Crocodile shark
Pseudocarcharias kamoharai
? miyaru
Lower Risk/Near Threatened
Pelagic thresher shark
Alopias pelagicus
Kandi miyaru
Bigeye thresher shark
Alopias superciliosus
Kandi miyaru
Thresher shark
Alopias vulpinus
Kandi miyaru
Shortfin mako shark
Isurus oxyrinchus
Woshimas miyaru
Lower Risk/Near Threatened
False catshark
Pseudotriakis microdon
Hikandhi thun miyaru
Silvertip shark
Carcharhinus albimarginatus
Kattafulhi miyaru
Bignose shark
Carcharhinus altimus
Mendhan miyaru
Grey reef shark
Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos
Thila miyaru
Lower Risk/Near Threatened
Silky shark
Carcharhinus falciformis
Ainu miyaru
Blacktip shark
Carcharhinus limbatus
? miyaru
Lower Risk/Near Threatened
Oceanic whitetip shark
Carcharhinus longtmanus
Feekanfaiy miyaru
Blacktip reef shark
Carcharhinus melanopterus
Falhu mathi dhon miyrau
Lower Risk/Near Threatened
Spottail shark
Carcharhinus sorrah
Dhon miyaru
Tiger shark
Galeocerdo cuvier
Lower Risk/Near Threatened
Sicklefin lemon shark
Negaprion acundens
Olhufathi miyaru
Blue shark
Prionace glauca
Andhun miyaru
Lower Risk/Near Threatened
Whitetip reef shark
Triaenodon obesus
Faana miyaru
Lower Risk/Near Threatened
Scalloped hammerhead shark
Sphyrna lewent
Kaaligandu miyaru