Petition: Remove shark nets in South Africa |
Shark nets are gill nets installed in tiered patterns by KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board (KZNSB). The purpose is to reduce the shark populations and keep them away from people swimming at the beaches. However, there are better ways to protect swimmers that don't indiscriminately kill sharks and other marine life.
Read more on our blog. We also have a video on shark nets which you can view here. Please sign the petition by clicking on the Remove the Nets logo:
Comments (39)
student said:
Janeen said:
Pasha Beate Vreeken said:
Noelle Perry said:
Meg said:
max kmak said:
Arianna said:
Carina Ghafari said:
maranda saigh said:
Charlotte Richardson said:
Bennet Sakelaris said:
Paris Burton said:
Hannah said:
Paul Sidhu said:
Griffin said:
Isabelle Sakelaris said:
Marissa said:
Adam and Amelia said:
miriam said:
yves laurent didier aguilar said:
Mystery said:
Rhiannon said:
Aoife Downey said:
Tanya Clothier said:
Diane Symons said:
Are people crazy??Kill off sharks or lessen there population, Low-rated comment [Show]
Jan Wouters said:
Katrien Vandevelde said:
Paul Willemse said:
Kirra Hunter said:
Ruth Petzold said:
Hilary Minor said:
Courtney Barton said:
M.F. Armstrong said:
Kahla Elliston said:
Vicky Bergman said:
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