Demand for shark fin soup is the primary driver of shark over-fishing. You can help stop it!
Don't eat shark fin soup
Obviously, the place to start is to just not have any shark fin soup. Don't order shark products of any kind if it's on the menu in a restaurant. If you are at a wedding or business banquet that is serving shark fin soup, politely decline. Don't patronize restaurants that serve shark or shark fin soup. And, explain why you are doing so.
Don't serve shark fin soup at your wedding
If it is common in your culture to serve shark fin soup at your wedding, you can make a bold and positive statement by not serving the soup. We can design cards to include with your invitation and to provide at the banquet tables stating that you will not be serving shark fin soup.
Encourage restaurants to not serve shark fin soup
Want to take it a step further? If you would like to try to convince restaurant owners to not serve the soup, we recommend that you do so respectfully. Restaurants are within their legal right to serve the soup and may feel that they are meeting the desires of their customers. They likely do not know that shark fin soup has hazardous mercury, or that sharks are in serious trouble because of soup consumption. You can help educate them.
- Read the articles on Shark Savers and elsewhere about shark fin soup and mercury so that you can make the argument. Visit our mini-site on shark fin soup.
- Look for restaurants in your area that serve shark fin soup. You can also look here for currently known restaurants: Animal Welfare institute. When you find new restaurants, fill in the form below and add them to the list (we'll shark them with the Animal Welfare Institute)
- Go to our Downloads page for our brochures on shark fin soup and print them out:
- Visit the restaurant and ask to speak with the owner or manager to discuss the issue. Do your best. You may not succeed the first time out, but you will have begun a process of education.
- See if you can enlist friends to a join you on these efforts. Visit a recalcitrant restaurant again in a month or two for another try.
Organize a shark fin soup campaign in your community
We will utilize our mailing list to see if there are others in your area who would like to work with you. We can develop materials, such as advertising, and other support. We have developed additional guidelines for this campaign, which we will provide to you. If you are interested in pursuing this, please
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Make presentations to Asian community groups and clubs
Ask for 10 or 15 minutes at a regular meeting of church and temple groups and cultural organizations within the Asian community, and college clubs for Asian and Asian-American students. Give a very short presentation on the hazards of shark fin soup, answer questions, and leave handouts. We can prepare this presentation for or with you.
Add your ideas and experiences, below, to make this program more effective.
Please use the comment section to suggest improvements or talk about what you have been able to do in your community, or if you prefer,
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