The South Florida Student Shark Program (SFSSP), is a collaborative,multi-disciplinary research and education program focusing on the study and conservation of Floridian shark species, mangrove fish habitat and the Florida watershed. The program encourages students to take an active role in modern scientific education and research.
Here are some photos from a recent tagging and research expedition in South Florida. Read the accompanying blog entry by Ashley Krajca, a SFSSP intern.
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South Florida Student Shark Program expedition
South Florida Student Shark Program expedition
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Ashley Krajca (back, SFSSP undergrad Interns) and Annie Morgan (front, SFSSP Coordinator) secure a 7-ft lemon shark for sampling before release.
Ashley Krajca (back, SFSSP undergrad Interns) and Annie Morgan (front, SFSSP Coordinator) secure a 7-ft lemon shark for sampling before release.
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To maintain vitality, a bilge pumps saltwater over the gills of a bull shark, while Dominique Lazzare (SFSSP graduate student intern) takes measurements.
To maintain vitality, a bilge pumps saltwater over the gills of a bull shark, while Dominique Lazzare (SFSSP graduate student intern) takes measurements.
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Neil Hammerschlag (front) and the SFSSP team pulls in a 8.2 ft Great Hammerhead on the boat to be measured, sampled, tagged and released.
Neil Hammerschlag (front) and the SFSSP team pulls in a 8.2 ft Great Hammerhead on the boat to be measured, sampled, tagged and released.