Drury Thorp

DruryNew.jpgDrury Thorp teaches fourth grade at Watchung Elementary School, a science and technology magnet school in Montclair, New Jersey. She has been teaching for fourteen years and loves the idea that she can help her students explore new worlds, especially those underwater. For the last three years, she has been the director of Ocean Commotion Summer Camp, an environmental science camp that focuses on our world's oceans and what actions humans can take to protect our seas and its inhabitants.

Since 2004, Drury has served as treasurer for the Montclair Education Association (MEA) and the MEA Philanthropic Fund. She is also a member of the Montclair Education Association Executive Board. Drury co-founded the "Watchung Community Cupboard," a school based community service group that helps Watchung School's families in need.

Drury's fascination with sharks began when she was in elementary school and did a book report on a biography of Eugenie Clark, the great shark researcher known as Shark Lady. Her love of the oceans led her to become a certified scuba diver when she was twenty years old and she has been hooked ever since. Drury's passion for preserving the ocean and its apex predators is what brought her to Shark Savers.

Drury earned a B.A. in Socio-Anthropology and an Elementary Education Certification from Colgate University.


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