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You can comment throughout the site on specific articles. Here, you can comment on the site or Shark Savers in general, or express your thoughts relating to sharks and the oceans. Comments (43)
Adam ROBERTSON said:
Isabel Ortiz-Marquez said:
Captain Julio Borras said: said:
Ruth said:
J.R. LeMar said:
Sea Save Inc. said:
Fredy Marroquin-Rodriguez said:
Edd Stockdale said:
laneesha karunagaran said:
Shark Savers said:
Hannah Gandara said:
I found your message very annoying !!!, Low-rated comment [Show]
Lizzie Sautter said:
Michael Christie said:
Rex said:
c-puff Merrill Michigan said:
Kathryn Dowsett said:
Sharon said:
Lydia Chung said:
Fredy Marroquin-Rodriguez said:
Craig77 said:
Katrien Vandevelde said:
michael christie said:
Anthony betancourt said:
Shark Savers said:
Roger X Cohn said:
Alanna Beltran said:
wendy beltran said:
Abby said:
Anais Vermonden said:
james mero said:
Julie L Andersen said:
Shital said:
CampinginDanubeDelta said:
Robin Bronner said:
Elizabeth Keith said:
Alice R. H. said:
I.L. Toronto, Ontario said:
I.L., Toronto, Ontario said:
Freeman Tang said:
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