Use these letters to take action in your community by replacing the text in blue with the relevant details. Make sure to include or delete the optional statement regarding shark meat.
Letter to Retail Store, Grocery or Restaurant - Please Do Not Sell Shark Products
Letter To Your Company - Please Do Not Serve Shark Fin Soup
Print and mail these cards to restaurant owners and event hosts who are serving shark fin soup, respectfully asking them to no longer serve this unsustainable dish.
RSVP Card - Please Do Not Serve Me Shark Fin Soup (English) (Chinese)
Card to a Restaurant - Please Stop Serving Shark Fin Soup (English) (Chinese)
Collect signatures to ban the shark fin trade by printing off this petition and entering the name of your state. Send completed forms to the address listed as the bottom of the petition.
Petition - Ban the Shark Fin Trade in my State
Couples and companies that choose not to serve shark fin soup at their wedding or corporate event can display these cards as a way of educating their guests about their choices.
Wedding Table Card - We are Not Serving Shark Fin Soup (English) (Chinese) (Bilingual)
Company Banquet Table Card - We are Not Serving Shark Fin Soup (English) (Chinese) (Bilingual)
Restaurants that do not serve shark fin soup, shark meat or shark products can display these cards on their tables to advertise their commitment to environmental sustainability.
Chinese Restaurant Card - We do Not Serve Shark Fin Soup
Restaurant Card - We do Not Serve Shark Meat & Products