Results containing "Shark Savers Germany" tag

Shark Awareness Campaign Educates in Germany

Shark Savers Germany is bringing awareness about the threats facing sharks with its newest collaboration with Berlin Neukölln’s Media Markt store.

Wöchentliche Galapagos-News -9- Dezember 2012

In Woche 9 habe ich eine erstaunliche Entdeckung gemacht! Der Tauchguide Ruben Intriago der Aggressor Fleet überreichte mir und der Charles Darwin Foundation ein Tauchvideo, welches eine Haiart zeigt, die er vorher nie in Galapagos gesehen hatte...

Wunderschöne Aufnahmen aus Galapagos - ein Adventsgeschenk für Hai-Liebhaber

Zum zweiten Advent schenken wir Euch Aufnahmen der letzten Expedition des Projektes Haie sind MehrWert auf Galapagos. Lehnt euch zurück und genießt die Highlights der Insel Wolf!

Aggressor Fleet Helps Shark Savers Study Sharks in the Galapagos

As part of their commitment to protecting sharks, the Galapagos Aggressor has been taking Shark Savers' scientist Johanna Zimmerhackel to the remote northern islands of the Galapagos for her fieldwork.

Aggressor Fleet Helps Shark Savers Study Sharks in the Galapagos

As part of their commitment to protecting sharks, the Galapagos Aggressor has been taking Shark Savers' scientist Johanna Zimmerhackel to the remote northern islands of the Galapagos for her fieldwork.

Aggressor Fleet Helps Shark Savers Study Sharks in the Galapagos

As part of their commitment to protecting sharks, the Galapagos Aggressor has been taking Shark Savers' scientist Johanna Zimmerhackel to the remote northern islands of the Galapagos for her fieldwork.