Shark Savers in Hong Kong |
We need sharks for a healthy ocean and planet. As apex predators, sharks maintain the ocean's fragile balance, and are vital to sustaining important fisheries and healthy coral reefs. | 鯊魚對維持地球及海洋生態平衡擔任著一個不可或缺的角色。鯊魚是海洋食物鏈最頂層的生物,不但使海洋處於健康的平衡狀態,更對捕漁業的持續發展以及珊瑚礁 群的健康生長有著顯著的幫助。 |
Shark populations are being systematically destroyed worldwide
Shark fin soup consumption is the primary cause for the eradication of sharks worldwide. Demand for shark fin has directly resulted in sharks everywhere being killed at wildly unsustainable levels. | 人類對魚翅的需求直接導致全球鯊魚被大量捕殺,所以,食用魚翅是全球鯊魚瀕臨絕種的主要原因。 |
Shark Savers’ mission is to save the sharks.
Shark Savers motivates people to stop consuming sharks. We help people understand why sharks are more valuable alive than in soup. We focus attention on marine locations where sharks can be protected.
Shark Savers has brought its "Say "No" to shark-fin soup" campaign to Hong Kong because it is one of the largest shark fin soup consuming cities in the world and has long been central to the shark fin trade. We are empowering people in Hong Kong to educate their friends, families, and colleagues about the dangers of shark fin soup, both to people and to sharks. Shark fin soup is not healthy for people because it is high in toxic mercury and other contaminants. The soup is responsible for the intense overfishing of sharks, wiping out a valuable resource in the ocean that helps to maintain health of the entire ocean ecosystem and seafood fisheries. By saying 'No' to shark fin soup, we can reverse the shark fin consumption trend, not just in Hong Kong, but in China, South East Asia and the rest of the world. Together we can make an enormous contribution to preventing the collapse of worldwide shark populations and protecting the health of our oceans. |
護鯊行動積極推動人們停止食用魚翅。我們希望讓人們知道鯊魚本身對自然的價值較其食用價值為高,並重點關注對任何一個可以保護鯊魚的地區。 護鯊行動於香港推廣「對魚翅說『不』」,是因為香港是全球其中一個最多人食用魚翅的地方。 我們希望能帶動香港人去告知身邊的朋友、親人及同事食用魚翅對人類本身及海洋的害處。事實上,鯊魚體內含有大量有害物質汞﹝mercury,即水銀﹞及其他污染物,所以,魚翅其實是對身體有害的食物,而食用魚翅亦導致過度捕擸鯊魚,嚴重影響了海洋生態和海鮮漁業的平衡。 只需對魚翅說『不』,便可以可以把已改變香港,以致中國、東南亞及世界各地食用魚翅的趨勢,作出巨大的貢獻,保護瀕臨絕種的鯊魚以及海洋生態的平衡。 |
You can help Hong Kong to "Say 'no' to shark fin soup". Here's how:
Take the Pledge to not eat shark fin soup, now. Click here. | 作出你的承諾,停止食用魚翅,請按此 |
Sign up for Shark Savers, here and join Shark Savers' Facebook page, here. |