It's time to say I'm FINished with fins.
Take a Pledge

Company Events

Become a leader in your industry by not serving shark fin soup at corporate events

Photo Credit: John Scarlett
Company Events

Serving shark’s fin soup at corporate events is considered an honor to clients, and some are even insulted if they do not get served a bowl. But as more people become aware of the toxins in shark’s fins and the ecological destruction that is being caused by the fin trade, it may soon be considered an insult to be served it at all.

Increasingly, forward-thinking corporate leaders, like those who have taken our corporate pledge to be FINished with FINS, are choosing not to serve shark's fin soup at their corporate events. Along with the benefits of protecting our oceans, our sharks and our health, switching away from expensive shark’s fin soup is an easy way to reduce expenses and even help the bottom line.

If you are a leader in your company, we hope that you have already come to the conclusion that your company would benefit by not serving shark fin soup. But even if you are not in a position to make such a decision, your actions could make a big difference in influencing management decisions. Here's how:

  • Educate yourself about shark’s fin soup by reading the articles and reports on this web site.
  • Send or personally deliver the letter to your employer or president of your company. Respectfully discuss the issue. You may not succeed the first time, but you will have begun a process of education.
  • If your company agrees, have them download a Company Banquet Table Card to display on tables that respectfully lets their clients know of their important decision.
  • Enlist your co-workers to join you on these efforts.
  • Take the Corporate Pledge. If you speak for your company, take our corporate pledge to be FINisehd with shark's fin
  • Invited to a corporate banquet? Download and send our RSVP card to let your host know in a respectful way that you do not want them to serve you shark fin soup.