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Ground Sharks. Order Carcharhiniformes
Ground Sharks. Order Carcharhiniformes
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Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas). Illustration: R. Aidan Martin
The Ground Sharks are the largest of shark orders with 277 currently identified species and includes many of the most 'typical' sharks as well as some unusual ones. Within the Ground Sharks are several of the better known sharks, as well a few of the more potentially dangerous ones. Ground Sharks include Bull Sharks, Hammerheads, Blacktip, and Catsharks.

While some of the Shark orders show great diversity as well as highly specialized characteristics, Ground Sharks enjoy more commonality within their order. They tend to be generally adapted, able to flourish in a broad array of habitats and enjoy a wide range of prey. Recent DNA evidence is showing that species of some of the Ground Shark families did not evolve from common ancestors, suggesting that there will be upcoming revisions to how certain species are classified.

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Cat Sharks, Family Scyliorhinidae, and Smoothhound Sharks, Family Triakidae
Whaler Sharks,
Family Carcharhinidae

Hammerhead Sharks
Family Sphyrnidae

Characteristics of Ground Sharks

# of Species
Body shape
Despite diversity, there is much consistency among Ground Sharks. Rounded bodies. Many species are slender and also small, between 2-3 feet, while others are up to 10 feet. Hammerheads have the distinctive flattening of the head.
Mouth position
Anal fin
Dorsal Fin
Fin spines
# of Gill slits
Variable: either oviparous, ovoviviparous, or viviparous (see glossary for definitions)
Unique qualities
Eyes have 'nictitating' membranes, or lower eyelids which are closeable to some degree.
Ground Sharks are 'generalists', with broad range of habitat. Cover most marine habitats depending on species, from estuaries areas, coastal, open ocean, and even in some cases freshwater. Found in temperate to tropical zones of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans.
Broad range of prey, including fish, including other sharks, rays, squid and sea snakes.